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The Life of Cato: Cato The Elder Speech on Woman and Equality (primary)

 Today after lunch, Cato The Elder has ordered a senate meeting in which my father and his company had to attend. I also had to come because we were going to work on some destroyed roads afterward. It will be my first time seeing Cato The Elder in person. From what I have heard and from what my father has told me, he is not the nicest guy in the world. When we arrived, I imagined Cato The Elder to be a bigger man, he was small and lanky and didn't really possess the looks of an emperor.  However, when he began to speak my heart dropped off for a second. He had this cold, stern voice that was deep. I looked at my employees and they started giggling, but I was not laughing at all. Cato The Elder ordered everyone in the room to stand up and greet each other and after that started his speech. He began talking about problems within the senate and that there needed to be more taxes raised for the military. Then he started talking about women and what role they were to play in society. Now, I told you before that my mother makes jewelry which she sometimes sells, but she has to keep that on a very low radar. In fact, when she sells them to the merchants, she has me go deliver the jewelry so that no one can see her making money. She sometimes even sneaks around my father. I never understood why women weren't allowed to do much and kind of felt bad for my mom from time to time. It was made clear in his speech that Cato The Elder did not want women working and for them not to have equality in the public eye. He even went on to say this in the middle of his speech, "Woman is a violent and uncontrollable animal... If you allow them to achieve equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have equality, they will be your masters." I did not really understand what he meant by this. Why would giving women equality make the house hard to live in? My father looked over at me during his speech with crazy eyes as well. It was clear to me and most other people in the room that not everyone was on the same page. One thing I noticed was that there were no women in the room to say their piece or respond. Makes me wonder what my mother would think if she was in this room with us.  


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